quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2015

Mix and match your shorts and coats!

Have you ever imagined looking elegant while wearing your favorite shorts and your formal coat? Well here’s a cool fashion for men. With your walking shorts and an elegant coat makes cool and comfortable attire.

Usually, men only wear their coats with their formal pants. Men used this kind of fashion on big occasions like weddings, elections, business meetings, seminars, and many other events.

Smart casual
Smart Casual

Then, times goes by, and fashion evolves. Men put some tweaks in their old fashion styles. Now, men can wear their coats along with their very favorite walking short pants. Men mixed their formal style with their everyday casual attire. So cheers to that formal coat of yours, it’s time for them to get out of the closet and let the world see their new kind of fashion.

Featuring! Your walking short pants and your coat, here comes that so called smart casual wear of the century. Men can now wear their formal coats to an ordinary party and events, and make the ordinary extraordinary with your style.

There are varieties of style that you can choose for your mix and match adventure! Your walking pants can either be mixed with a coat even without a tie. This time let’s get funky with your walking shorts and coat without undergarments like sandals or T-shirts what do you think? Hey, but that’s only if you prefer to do so.

In wearing coats together with your walking shorts never forget to match it up with a cool pair of shoes, may it be topside, black shoes or what not. As long as your styling yourself make the most out of it. Make the best for yourself not for anyone who will just make fun of what you wear.

A bit of advice though if really want to look good and best just search the web and check out for the latest trend in fashion so will never go wrong! Good luck and feel free to wear anything you desire!


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