segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2015

Ray-Ban: A brand that never fades

Have been around for over seventy years.

A magical and iconic seventy years of adding a distinct style with the outfits of superstars or just those average weekend drivers who does not want to frown too much because of too much light in the surroundings.

Ray-Ban Logo


Undeniably, in the industry of fashion, almost everyone has worn this iconic breed of sunglasses.
Be it General McArthur bidding goodbye and promising a sweet come back, the president of the United States attending an outdoor event with an ‘Aviator’, an actor or an actress on the red carpet having their photos taken, Ray-Ban has been with them protecting from the flashes of the paparazzo’s cameras.

General Douglas McArthur and his Aviator


And now, since the summer season is fast approaching on most countries all over the world, in some part, has already been to off and being felt this year, this classic accessory is definitely one of the must haves.

President George W. Bush on his pair of Wayfarer


As per the brand’s theme on their web site, “Flash Your Style”. This is the perfect time of the year wherein you can wear a Ray-Ban to enhance your looks, whether you’re just going out for a morning walk in the park, an afternoon stroll on a bicycle.

Miley Cyrus, strolling on a bicycle with her Ray-Ban on


And speaking about looks… This ever so iconic brand has innovated their products in ways that the variety when choosing the perfect pair of glasses for you is wide and broad.

You can even choose the color of the lens, have it polarized and all, just making it so personalized and unique to make sure that it will fit the unique you.

Strategic Campaigns such as the ‘Never Hide’ has also been there, wherein loud and colorful frames are available, this campaign merely speaks about how a unique individual can wear and carry the brand on his own unique and personalized way.

This campaign have had some films and photographs that shows how bold an individual can be, and it has been proven to be effective as the print media nowadays can be reached easily, and be spread out virtually.

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