terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2016

Women and the Dominion of Homochromatic Styling

Homochromatic Styling (1)

Colors have always played an essential role in the world of fashion. Without color, dresses and tops would be boring and we would all be doomed to look the same. Fashion and time have put almost all of the known hues onto prints and garments, and we must all agree that the color variations make an ensemble more appealing to the eyes.

We have also been acquainted with how mixing and matching of colors is key to a great look and the skill of pairing one color to the next is such an arduous task that many have mastered at this point in time. We are all for an outfit that would stand out, and we know that one way to do it is by appropriately picking the right combinations of bold and light hues, or the visually-pleasing union of contrast.

But have you ever delved into a style that pegs on monochromatic tones? Is there a chance to pull-off an outfit that is of the same hue without looking odd or outdated?

Homochromatic Styling (2)

Monochromatic is the use of one core color or hue, no matter how many garments are involved in the ensemble. Dressing from top to bottom with the same color is difficult to some and below are nuggets of information you need to consider to successfully sport the monochromatic look.

First, you must make up your mind and decide on what color you would peg on to finish a clean, overall look. You need to check your closet to ensure that all garments needed or your envisioned ensemble are present and within reach. Remember that the monochromatic look must include a single hue, and there shouldn’t be any lurking mishap in color choice.

For a monochromatic look, the shades shouldn’t always be the same as light and dark versions of it would make your ensemble a bit more interesting. For example, if you’d go for the color blue, you can match shades of blue such as royal, navy and dark to complete the whole ensemble. Don’t be afraid to take risks when it comes to the shades for as long as it looks complementing, then you’re doing it the right way.

Homochromatic Styling (3)

In monochromatic fashion, mixes of textures and layers are quite essential. The texture of the garments used must be diverse since this is where styling comes in handy. Wear a plaid skirt under a smooth tank top to display variation amid the color singularity. Put the darker shades on the things you want to conceal and allocate lightly-colored garments on your body assets.

Experimentation is crucial in giving the look a proper finish and it’s up to you on how you’d manage making matches. Accessorizing with bags that are catchy and loud would also give you a definitive mark because it breaks the monotony of the outfit.

Homochromatic Styling (4)

Remember that getting the monochromatic look is also an optical illusion since the eyes would see a long-lined silhouette, which in effect would make you look slimmer and taller than you actually are.
Get vivid and loud colors such as yellow and orange on day-outs while the darker hues of violet, black and calm blue must be worn on formal events and functions. The line of reds can be carried-out effectively on casual night-outs or business meetings to exude and entice. Save the greens for a swift stroll to the cafe or for easy-breezy dinner dates.


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